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Yanay: Prague's Rising Art Star Makes International Waves

Yanay; Angels Have Two Faces, 20 cm x 20 cm, oil on canvas

Yanay; Touch of Spirit, 70 cm x 70 cm, oil and sand on canvas

Yanay; Dream about you, 120 cm x 90 cm, 47 inches x 35 inches, acrylic on canvas

Yanay: Prague's Rising Art Star Makes International Waves with a Daring World View, and Exciting Art to Match, as witnessed here in this exclusive interview.

We need heroes, but somewhere, there is living a person who nobody knows, and who does many good things for the world, but is not observed. They act not for fame, but from the heart.
— Yanay
MALIBU, CALIFORNIA, USA, November 15, 2018 / -- Internationally known artist Yanay is one of Prague's fastest rising stars in the art world. With influences ranging from Da Vinci, to Picasso, Yanay has trained at some of the worlds top art schools, has traveled the world, and holds two University degrees. The following is an exclusive interview by The Hollywood Sentinel with the artist, whose wisdom can inspire other artists with great wisdom, and invaluable help.

Hollywood Sentinel: Is it necessary to go to art school to be an artist?

Yanay: I do not think it is necessary for an artist to go to art school. There are plenty of artists throughout history without having attended schools. Some were educated under the masters, and some not at all, and there are even such who were thrown out from an academy school and found their own original way. There are however the rules of arts and techniques there which should be learned. It is good to know this to make good art. If you combine the good technical quality and talent, you could have a masterpiece. Some artists know the rules instinctively. Art should have a message. It does not need perfection, but a quality of communication. Art is above technical rendition. But the techniques should not be underestimated.

Hollywood Sentinel: That makes sense. Some artists have the challenge of avoiding toxic chemical paints. What is your solution to this?

Yanay: There are many of eco-colors and non-toxic materiáls including non-toxic turpentine. I have painted using turpentine, but you need to have ventilate very well when using it. Also in the glazing, it is good to use a protective means. To paint by acrylic is probably also in some way toxic, but not so dangerous. So now I prefer to paint with that, even it has other disadvantage as it dries very fast. When artists do not want to be exposed to toxcis materials, they should find eco-colors. or they could use watercolors, pastels, or inks. there are many choices today, just look it up online!

Hollywood Sentinel: Nice. What filmmakers and actors have inspired you?

Yanay: My favorite filmmakers are Czech director Milos Forman, and Steven Spielberg. With regard to actors, there are too many to name. Movies which inspired me are classics as Cassablanca, To Kill a Mockingbird, the French movie Amelie, Saving Private Ryan, Amadeus by Milos Forman, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, Matrix, and many others.
I am inspired by personalities of strong characters who do not hesitate to fight for a better future and who have courage and keep their integrity. I like movies which answer questions about the true values of life, and show the way to a successful future. Movies show many faces of life, and they show you also the weakness of people, yet still let you have space to find your own answers. Life is a colorful canvas and when you change one colour of it, you change all the picture. This is the art. Another movie which I really loved and saw many times was The Muse (1999). It is a very inspiring and interesting movie. I like actors including Albert Brooks, Sharon Stone, and Andie MacDowell. Their smiles light up, but are very deep as well.

Hollywood Sentinel: What other art do you create?

Yanay: I also write poetry. I have written an anthology; The Breath without Breath, to be issued by Eurolex.
Poetry is the painting of pictures by words, it is a celebration of reality and emotions by imagination, and the essence of words goes beyond that. It is very intimate. It has very gentle nuances which are usually lost in translations. I prefer painting because it is an international language.

Hollywood Sentinel: That's great. Who was or is to you the greatest human being who has ever lived?

Yanay: This is hard to answer. I appreciate people and their good intentions and originality. Yes, we need heroes, but somewhere, there is living a person who nobody knows, and who does many good things for the world, but is not observed. They act not for fame, but from the heart. Every such person is great human being. There are plenty of people today and throughout history who are great. Greatest is only a word of comparison. Who is the greatest? It is only an opinion. I do not know, I see only different forms of greatness.

Hollywood Sentinel: Who would you like to meet if you could?

Yanay: There is no such person. For sure there are many people who enrich our lives by their knowledge or art, and give us the gift of their presence. Sometimes, to be around them makes our life better. But I am not a fan of icons. People--including me--have a tendency to glamorize some people. I would like to meet an ideal person, a perfect person, but this person does not exist. (Smile). But this is probably a good thing. There are always other strata to be achieved no matter how great a person is. If you meet some famous person and know this person closer, you can see it.

Hollywood Sentinel: True. What is the most difficult thing about being an artist?

Yanay: Being an artist is not dificult, it is a pleasure. To be a good artist and to find one's own style and still find the way to be understood and not pander to public--this is the challenge. From the practical view of the matter, to find an art dealer who does not know the word "impossible," and to avoid the burden of selling one's own art, and to focus more on creation instead of that is the challenge. Yet still, I can handle that.

Hollywood Sentinel: Excellent. Where should the public visit to see your art and buy your work?

Yanay: I usually sell my art from my studio in Prague, Czech Republic. You can also invest in my art with a purchase online.

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Yanay; Touch of Spirit, 70 cm x 70 cm, oil and sand on canvas

Yanay; Dream about you, 120 cm x 90 cm, 47 inches x 35 inches, acrylic on canvas

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